Lockdown Language Learning

Being in quarantine is a once-in-a-lifetime experience (we hope). Our lives have drastically changed in the most abrupt manner imaginable. We can no longer spend time in close proximity to those with whom we have forged friendships over the past six months or longer. Some of you will already have found ways to fill the newly found free time in your schedules with a variety of activities. 
From the perspective of a language graduate, one of the silver linings of this huge storm cloud that lingers over our heads is the fact that so many people have finally begun to learn a new language. This is something that has been at the back of many minds for so long but always been put off until tomorrow, next week or next year.

If any of you have decided to start learning Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian or French while you’re confined to your home – whether that’s here in Manchester or further afield – please get in touch with any questions that you may have. I’d be more than happy to provide support. During my year abroad, I worked as an English teacher alongside my studies so if you’re an international student who came to improve your English but are now having difficulties in immersing yourself first-hand, then please feel free to get in touch via email or even a WhatsApp message and I’d be thrilled to help you in any way that I can.

Email: international.su@manchester.ac.uk

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