Help with Health Costs

Most medical and hospital treatment is free, but you may have to pay for prescriptions (medication), dental check-ups and treatment, sight tests, glasses, etc.

Currently prescriptions cost £9.15 per item and a basic dental check-up is £22.70.

Help to pay for health costs is available to people who have a low income. To apply for help with health costs, you should complete an HC1 form, available to download here. You will need to post your form to:

Low Income Scheme, NHS Business Services Authority

Bridge House

152 Pilgrim Street

Newcastle upon Tyne

NE1 6SN.

Your application will normally be assessed within 18 working days of your form being received.

If you are eligible for financial support, you will receive an HC2 or HC3 certificate. An HC2 gives you full help with health costs and an HC3 gives you some financial help towards the cost.

If you don’t qualify for help with prescriptions you can buy a pre-payment certificate (PPC). This will save you money if you need prescriptions regularly. Find out more about pre-payment certificates on this NHS website.

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