The Devil's Advocates

  • Devilish



The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.” 
― Friedrich Nietzsche


Welcome to The Devil's Advocates Society.  We want to bring people together by allowing them to talk and by listening carefully to their every argument.  We are tired of people labelling each other and calling the other side names such as racist, snowflake and alike.  All sides need to be heard, no matter how unreasonable they are perceived by today's society - and that is the purest definition of a cooperative free country, a way of life too often taken for granted.  Here we want to understand the other side. And what better way to do exactly that than to engage in a debate on their behalf.  Come and debate for both sides of an argument, and you are sure to get closer to bridging the current divide - and to make some good friends along the way.


Remember, we are the real many and we love the few too...

Advocatus Diaboli §.

Committee @ The Devil's Advocates



Contact us

Twitter:  @d_advocatesmcr
Instagram:  @devilsadvocatesmcr


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