Current Structures

Student Officers

The student Officer team is elected every year by students in our campus-wide elections, and hold their position for one academic year.

Executive Officers

General Secretary

The primary student representative to the University, Chair of the SU’s Board of Trustees and University Governor

Education Officer

The lead academic representative, working with the University to improve teaching, learning and assessment

Postgraduate Officer

The lead representative for PGT and PGR students, focussing on academic, welfare and social issues for postgraduates

Welfare & Community Officer

The lead representative for student wellbeing, housing, health and community issues

Activities & Development Officer

The lead representative supporting societies, volunteering, environmental sustainability, student media and personal development

Liberation & Access Officer

The lead representative challenging inequalities and working with the University to improve access and participation to higher education

Women’s Officer

The lead representative challenging gender inequalities and campaigning for women’s issues

International Students’ Officer

The lead representative for international and EU students, focussing on their academic, welfare and social issues

Part-Time Officers

The Part-Time Officer team is made up of 38 student volunteers, representing specific groups of students

10 Liberation Officers

Representing BME, disabled, women, LGBTQ+ and trans students

12 Faculty Officers

Representing undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research students across the three Faculties

9 Community Officers

Representing international students and students living in Fallowfield and Withington, Rusholme and Whitworth Park, and the City Centre

7 Access Officers

Representing student parents, carers, part-time students, mature students, distance-learners, students who are living at home, and students from a widening participation background


Senate is the highest decision-making body in the Students’ Union. It is made up of 72 elected students, including the Executive and Part-Time Officers alongside representatives from the Halls Ras/JCRs and student activities. Senate discusses, debates and votes on policies (the beliefs and positions held by the SU) and holds the Executive Officers to account.
You can read more about Senate and our current democratic processes here.

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