Exam season: you got this!

Monday 03-05-2021 - 09:00

It's that time of the year again, when your books are out and revision starts. We know how stressful the next few weeks might be, but all your hard work is about to pay off! No matter what this exam season brings for you, as your Students' Union, we're here to support you. We've put together some of our favourite tips to help you thrive this exam season.

Setting a routine

You know your schedule better than anybody! More of a night owl than an early bird? Maximise your time by setting a revision schedule for when you’ll be most productive! Having a sustainable routine is key to avoiding burn-out and primes your brain for effective study.

Setting Goals

Revision can be overwhelming, particularly when you have multiple exams and topics to consider. Using your exam timetable can help you plan and allocate enough time for each subject. You can break down this time by setting goals! Plan your revision day and set realistic and achievable goals by breaking down big tasks into checklists. Setting specific goals each day is a great way to represent your progress and keep on track!

Study Spaces

Having a space allocated for revision can help you stay motivated. If you’re able to work from home, you can create a revision space by setting up the desk with the essentials you’ll need for that day - specific notebooks and reading material, water and snacks. Leaving your phone on silent or in another room will decrease your distractions and improve your focus!

If you prefer to study on campus, we've got lots of study spaces available in the SU building. We have plenty of plug sockets, great wifi connection and our coffee shop, Brew, will provide all the caffeine you need. There's no need to book either - just show up and let's study!

Virtual Study

Do you prefer to study with friends? You could set up a virtual study session with friends or course mates. Studying with others can help you stay motivated, focus your time and stick to your goals because you can hold each other accountable. You could agree to work in silence together for an hour and then come together for a chat and a break at the end!


Planning breaks will help you stay motivated and improve your focus when revising. It’s vital to look after yourself during exams; not only does being well-rested help your revision, but it gives you a change of pace during a stressful time. From watching a film to grabbing a coffee or going for a walk, taking some time to yourself will help structure your day.

You've got this! Good luck.


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