Debrief Report on Senate (Thursday 6th May)

Tuesday 11-05-2021 - 17:04

On Thursday 6th of May, we held the last Senate of this academic year. Senate is the SU's highest decision-making body (you can find out more about Senate here). The meeting was held online and attended by the Executive officers, Part-time officers, and students.


The meeting was due to start at 6:30pm and, in the first half an hour, the Annual Member’s Meeting took place. The Annual Member’s Meeting was chaired by your Postgraduate Officer, Nana, as the General Secretary was in annual leave. Nana presented the 2019/2020 trustees’ report as well as the final accounts. The meeting also saw the introduction of the new trustee appointments for 2020 and the renovation by majority vote of the affiliations to the NUS (91% votes in favour), Advice UK (91% voted in favour), and Citizens UK (96% votes in favour).


Once the Annual Member’s Meeting came to an end and the participants had a break, I welcome everyone to the last Senate of the year. After an explanation of the rules and procedures of Senate, the meeting started. The steering committee minutes and the minutes from last Senate were approved without questions, so we move to the final Scrutiny Panel report. Member of the panel explained the final report and some questions from the present members were answered. The next point on the agenda was the NUS delegates Report, which was introduced by one of the delegates who mentioned that the policies debated include fees and finance, mental health, sexual violence, Erasmus +, student housing and costs of living. Next was the Exec Officer’s turn to provide Senate with an update on their progress since the last Senate in March-April. Their reports were included in the agenda.

Welfare & Community Officer- Junior Usina: Junior reflected on the resilience of students, highlighting the SU’s Advice team that has supported students leaving housing contracts and dealing with misconduct. He also highlighted the use of counselling service, and the improvements in the Black Student’s Wellbeing Policy with the recruitment of the new EDI Director. Junior took some questions and thanked everyone for the fantastic year. 

Activities and Development Officer –  Carol Chepkech Tiriongo: Carol highlighted the success of Global Week 2021 considering the current circumstances. She also updated on the outdoor social space secured outside the SU building for societies to carry out activities. She announced the launch in June of the Societies entrepreneurship competition in collaboration with Masood Entrepreneurship Centre. Lastly, she also announced the setup of Societies Supermarket in association with Massod Entrepreneurship Centre for societies to sell their merchandise, and the upcoming launch of the Sustainability Fund. Carol ends her speech sending appreciation to students, colleagues, staff for the year. 

Postgraduate Officer- Nana Fredua Agyeman: Nana pointed out that regarding feedback and assessment the University has recognised that there is an issue, and he is going to keep working on this. He announced that a report with best practices from across the world will soon be launched. The officer highlighted the success of the PGR Association and congratulated the first President, Manasij, for being elected. Nana also announced that in the second semester of next academic year, UCIL will become available for PGT students, and that Prepare for Postgrad will be launched next academic year. He also finished thanking colleagues and students for the year.

Shortly after was the crux of what students come to Senate for - the policy debates. There were five policies submitted to Senate. The first policy on eliminating pictures of candidates on electoral ballots was not approved as the vote threshold was not achieve with 56% in favour, 35% votes against and 9% of abstentions. The second policy addressed the post-referendum action, after a balanceD debate and listening to different opinions, Senate went to a vote that resulted in the approval of the policy with 65% in favour, 15% votes against and 21% abstentions. The next policy asked for the implementation of sanitary showers in both campus and SU buildings and, after the general debate, Senate voted and approved the policy with a majority in favour of 91%.  The fourt policy of the night was related to UBI support and, after some clarifications and opinions from Senate members, Senate voted to approve the policy with a majority in favour of 86%.  The last policy was asking for a reduction of deduction penalties and, after a balance debate, Senate also approved this policy with a 62% in favour, 28 against, and 10% of abstentions. 

Once the Senate came to a close after a long session with engaging debate, I thanked everyone for their participation and attending this year.  

Senate will be back the next academic year! 

Lucia Chocarro Martinez
Senate Chair 2020/2021



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