Malpractice and Plagiarism

Students are usually asked to attend meetings or hearings with their school or faculty when the University suspects that some form of academic malpractice has occurred. The purpose of the meeting is to find out if malpractice has taken place. If it is found to have taken place, then the panel will decide on an approximate penalty. 

In the most serious cases it could be referred to a Student Discipline Committee - for example cheating in exams will be referred to a Summary Hearing. 

Many cases of suspected malpractice will occur unintentionally, and you will be given ample time to explain your circumstances and present mitigation.

Note that not knowing how to reference properly or being unaware of the regulations regarding plagiarism will not be an acceptable reason.

Please click here for more information on referencing and good academic practice.

In brief, malpractice can involve the following categories:

1.     Plagiarism

2.     Collusion in coursework (working with someone else)

3.     Fabrication and/or falsification of results

4.     Cheating in exams 

5.     Impersonation

6.     Breaching anonymity requirements as prescribed by your course.

What can we do?

If you are accused of plagiarism or other forms of malpractice, a Student Advisor can:

1.     Explain the regulations and guide you through the process

2.     Advise you on potential penalties

3.     Assist you in putting a statement together

4.     Advise you on what additional evidence you can submit

5.     Attend the hearing with you

6.     Assist you in appealing any decision

Further details of academic malpractice and plagiarism can be found below.

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